Silver Sneakers Fitness

The Silver Sneakers Fitness Program at Four Lakes Athletic Club can open the door to better health, greater independence, a more fulfilling life. If you're an older adult, let Silver Sneakers be the key that can unlock that door.


SilverSneakers® Classic

Muscular Strength and Range of Movement: Have fun and move to the music through a variety of exercises designed to increase muscular strength, range of movement and activity for daily living skills. Hand held weights, elastic tubing with handles and a ball are offered for resistance and a chair is used for seated and/or standing support.

SilverSneakers YogaStretch ®

This class is designed to physically & mentally engage students with a variety of safe & fun yoga postures and breathing exercises. Using a chair for support, participants work at their own pace to build flexibility & endurance while learning to relax & think more clearly.